Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Roy Ayers Project: Who Is Roy Ayers?

The Roy Ayers Project is a documentary focusing on the life and music of Roy Ayers. In the trailer for the Haylow Overby, Ariel Nuñez film, artists answer the question: Who is Roy Ayers?

The <a title="The Roy Ayers Project" href="http://royayersproject.com/" target="_blank">Roy Ayers Project online</a> is a creative mosaic, produced by individuals to express the influence of the music and philosophy of Roy Ayers in their work.  From RoyAyersProject.com:
<blockquote> It is driven by the his music of Roy Ayers, as well as his message, essence, and influences, while recognizing people of his ilk and the people who continue to innovate and create, just like Roy Ayers. The blog will expose you to many different forms of music, as well as keeping you up to date with all things involving the Roy Ayers Project.</blockquote>

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